
How To Tell If You Have A Damaged Skin Barrier And Ways To Help Repair It
The skin barrier is the outer layer of skin and consists of skin cells that protect the skin - acting a bit like border control by keeping the good stuff in and blocking the bad stuff out. We talk ...
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Why Facial Filler is Often Frowned Upon and What Are The Alternatives?
Are fillers a good idea? In small volumes, filler can provide an extremely effective treatment to clients but if you're less keen on needles this article discusses excellent alternative treatments.
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What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?
What is skin cancer? Here are the most common skin cancer questions answered and lifestyle changes you can adopt to help protect yourself from developing it.
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5 Ways Alcohol Can Harm Your Skin and How to Counteract This
What exactly does alcohol do to our complexions? Listed below are the main side effects, along with some strategies to combat the negative effects of drinking alcohol on the skin.
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Roaccutane is the best for acne?
Traditionally dermatologists would use Roaccutane a lot to treat acne. But Roaccutane has got significant risks associated with its use, particularly around mental health side effects that it can ...
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Do we really need to wear SPF in Winter?
As temperatures get chillier, your first impulse may be to put your favourite SPF back in in the bathroom cupboard until next Spring as lots of people question if SPF is really necessary during the...
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